Author Archives: swany

Allergic reaction ends rapping marathon

illiterateAn attempt by a Winnipeg hip-hopper to set the record for the longest rap ever has ended because of an allergic reaction. Tyler Tynes, who goes by the stage name the Hafrican, fell down Thursday after 14 hours of rhyming. He had been aiming to last for 24 hours. The rapper collapsed do to an allergic reaction to an energy drink.

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DeNiro cant be the killer cuz of everything that people have been saying stating with Amber (I dont feel like repeating). The only way he CAN be the killer is if in his personality as Charlie, he tells his daughter not 2 mention who he is 2 her father. ALSO in the trailer DeNiro is in the woods @ the end and sumthin attacks him – so how can it be him? If u freeze frame its not a person either. And if DeNiro is gonna make Charlie mad then what? Charlie is gonna kill DeNiro? That means he’d kill himself. AND if u freeze frame during the extended internet trailer, U will see a figure with a butcher knife in its hand behind the shower curtain (i think). The figure is grey. The we see the cop get smacked ascross the face and freeze framing there u WILL see that what smacked him is the color grey – meaning that it cant be a person which rules out DeNiro. AND my final statement: If Charlie says that DeNiro let her die than y would he say that if it was him who killed her?

2) I dont think its the kid either. How? In the trailer shes drawing the cop getting killed. And he says “Watcha drawing there?” and She said “U…dying then the lights turn off and sumthin comes from behind him. SO what that means she got up while he was still standing there turned the light off and killer him. I doubt that 2. AND Y WOULD A GIRL BE HAVE A SPLIT PERSONALITY THATS A GUY NAMED CHARLIE.

What if this turns out like SAW and sumthin NO 1 saw cummin – the man on the bathroom floor.

hey just a reminder in the movies a person can kill their split personality. . .ever seen Fight club? besides maybe the thing in the trailor is gray because they made it that way for people who waste their time freeze framing trailors to have something to argue about and lead you to make up some stupid reason or theme of the movie. . . and even more besides the point u basicly said it doesnt make sense like 8 million times b4 and in the world of films nothing has to make sense

Christmas Eve

potato_eatersOn Christmas eve in our neck of the woods, up towards the industrial compound, east of the wye on the tracks, south of the dark spruce forest that the woodpewckers have fled, there were packs of dogs barking. I ran through the gate with my bat in hand.

Caesar on the Gauls

boa-devouring-child-GesnerIt is indeed a regular habit of the Gauls to compel travellers to halt, even against their will, and to ascertain what each of them may have heard or learnt upon every subject; and in the towns the common folk surround traders, compelling them to declare from what districts they come and what they have learnt there. Such stories and hearsay often induce them to form plans upon vital questions of which they must forthwith repent; for they are the slaves of uncertain rumours, and most men reply to them in fictions made to their taste.

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